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单词 side piece 例句大全,用单词side piece造句:

A flat, usually thin piece attached at only one side.
Paste a piece of paper along the side to make it straight.
Usually with a piece of paper of a fraction of the one side area.
Place the left denim sole piece on to a flat surface, right side down.
将左脚牛仔布鞋底放平, 正面向下。
metal piece that hangs inside a bell and makes a sound by hitting the side
The valve should be mounted to a spool piece on the discharge side of the pump.
Some people will pay a small piece of the horn side because advertising success.
Insert a blank piece of paper, turn the knob, and a dollar slips the other side.
插入一张空白一张纸, 打开旋钮, 以及美元下滑了对方。
Broad piece that attached on one side and folded over for covering or protection.
Male flower is accrete perianth piece tip3 crack,2 side have lobe of a leave in lobule.
Neck 2 side piece how should be fracture of the bend before is fracture reached treated
Following instructions on the fusing packet, iron it to the wrong side of this denim piece.
I need you to turn that piece of paper over, you should find it's blank on the other side, OK?
Take yellow cane element to disperse piece what side effect is there?What contraindication is there ?
Soap operas release is the moviemaking side, buys the piece side and television viewers tripartite gambling game.
电视剧的发行是制片方, 购片方和电视观众三方的博弈游戏。
The soft protective bodies can also be in a piece shape, and can be stuck on the inner side faces of the clip pieces.
The industrial side of the ledger looks bleak, but as important as it is, it is only one piece of a disturbing picture.
Whole oblique wedge make a reservation, oblique to lead post side release core person who divide, push board put out operation principle of work piece.
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单词 side piece 释义

  • 单词释义:侧板;颊板;车尾机架;胎壁  [更多..]



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