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单词 side stream 例句大全,用单词side stream造句:

Our garden is bordered on one side a stream.
If I die, bury me by the side of the stream.
如果我死了, 把我埋在小河边吧。
Our garden is bordered on one side by a stream.
Along each side of the stream, there were wide pebbled beaches.
Looking back, they saw the timid little dog on the side of the stream.
Unique full circular stream guidance slot, absorbing guide prevent side leakage.
独特全周导流槽, 引导吸收, 防止侧漏。
Travellers get from one side to the other by walking across a footbridge that spans a little stream.
Orient the large side of the basket tangentially to the flow stream with the Tablet standing on its edge.
Front left hole locations are particularly cruel as the stream hugs the left side of the sixteenth green.
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单词 side stream 释义

  • 单词释义:侧线,侧线馏出物,支流  [更多..]



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