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单词 shift work 例句大全,用单词shift work造句:

When necessary, work shift as defined by Utility Maintenance Supervisor.
Can I really shift moods as quickly and frequently as my work requires ?
shift the focus of the work of the whole nation to socialist modernization
The World Health Organization has classified shift work as a probable carcinogen.
It is important to grasp the shift in emphasis which occurs within Durkheim's work.
The company reserves the right to arrange shift work for the workers and working hours.
The medicine is already approved to fight narcolepsy and sleepiness related to shift work.
And so finding ways to shift the conflict to a place of conversation is the work of my life.
I was thinking that maybe I should have picked up an extra shift at work and bought stuff full price.
我想也许我应该多加一次班, 然后正价买这些东西。
The methods and effect of the reform of nursing shift and work flow in improving the benefit of time management
The present state of affairs is entirely incompatible with the requirements of the shift of focus in the Partys work.
这种情况, 同全党工作着重点转移的需要极端不相适应。
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