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单词 shift up 例句大全,用单词shift up造句:

to shift up/ down
升一挡/ 降一挡
Disable a previous shift up or shift down.
Well,I'll probably pick up an extra shift.You know?
I hate getting up early, so I prefer the swing shift.
My lack of sleep was catching up on me during my shift.
I have to call Geraldo about picking up an extra shift.
As a temporary shift, he covered up the leak with a plastic bag.
作为权宜之计, 他用塑料袋把漏洞给包上了。
Ensures start up return from breaks and shift end are efficient and productive.
If driving a car with a manual transmission,shift up early and shift down late!
Now they will complete the shift and accept Hamas's leadership Islamism close up.
Display up to 100 circular pieces of information and easy to shift between screens. 8.
The morning shift is picking up the grounds, littered from the festivities of the previous night.
早班得人正在收拾, 因为前一天得晚宴把地上弄脏了。
I was thinking that maybe I should have picked up an extra shift at work and bought stuff full price.
我想也许我应该多加一次班, 然后正价买这些东西。
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