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单词 shift in 例句大全,用单词shift in造句:

Provide on the job training to technicians in proper techniques and procedures as assigned by shift supervisor.
The methods and effect of the reform of nursing shift and work flow in improving the benefit of time management
An Evaluation of the Apparent Interdecadal Shift in the Tropical Divergent Circulation in the NCEPNCAR Reanalysis.
While working the night shift as a clerk at a bank, he met Jackie Gise, who was also employed there, and fell in love.
Keep in memory when I read the first day, revolution has come to a girl student who calls the small orchid in the shift.
Be engaged in the person that day shift works, basically accord with law of section of day and night, general insusceptible.
In this paper, an experiment of test scale of straightedge is introduced by theprinciple of the Moire fringe shift amplifier.
Auger chemical shift of several compounds of silicide and metal oxide was studied using scanning Auger microprobe in this paper.
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