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单词 shined 例句大全,用单词shined造句:

The old pieces of brass have polished up beautifully. Have you shined the brass?
I shined the light exactly where we heard the sound, and we couldn't see anything.
The taller, more charismatic of the two friends, out shined the other at the party.
I need to have my shoes shined now. You see, Im going to a banquet an hour from now.
The sergeant gave the soldier a good dressing down because his shoes were not shined.
We didn't do anything. We just stood and listened and shined our flashlight all around.
我们什么都没做, 只是站在原地仔细听, 并用手电筒四处晃。
One pupil will concurrently constrict in reflexive response to light shined in the other.
The moonshine of plenilune shined on the west loft while the wide geese flying back to home in line.
Although it is covered by mysterious purdah since it came into being, it has still shined with glistening dazzling luster.
He is shined to come down right, right leg chooses the ground, left foot is however on stirrup, double closefisted holds rein.
他向右被闪下来, 右脚点地, 左脚却在马镫上, 双手紧抓住缰绳。

单词 shined 释义

  • 单词释义:发光( shine的过去式和过去分词 );反射光;照耀;表现突出  [更多..]



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