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单词 shine up 例句大全,用单词shine up造句:

Let me shine this up for you.
Throw em up and let something shine.
Hey, rise and shine. Time to get up for work.
嘿, 太阳出来了。赶紧起吧, 还要上班。
Rise and shine! Time to get up for school!
so you can dazzle up your ranch and make it shine.
He tried to shine up to his boss with expensive gifts.
Good morning my dear. The Sun just up, shine up my path.
The sound quality has been spruced up to a nice funky shine.
音色经过一番刷新, 呈现一种令人听了舒服的臭美光彩。
They begin to build up and dull the shine and tone of our hair.
Your dull'do days are over. I'll tell you how to pump up the shine.
你那沉闷的日子已经过去了, 我告诉你怎么给自己打打气。
A great way to break up the classic black party dress is to add shine.
I have let my heart trust with the moon, but the moon shine up to the sink.
我本将心托明月, 明月却向照沟渠。
The neon lights shine upon the nearby river, and the reflections on the water light up the distant sky.
They have since learned that love and joy dont argue back. They just shine until the protestor shuts up.
Now the Aqua Posse lights up! Simply press two sensors on the bottom and watch these cute keychains shine.
很特别的一款钥匙扣!轻触底部, 就可以从内散发五彩灯光!
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单词 shine up 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)向上照;尽可能地使发亮;倾心专注  [更多..]



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