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单词 Physical body 例句大全,用单词Physical body造句:

Theory and method of calisthenics players'body shape and physical attributes selection
And you probably identify more with your mind as opposed to your physical body anyway.
Although the marathon is a physical test, the lessons learned extend far beyond the body.
The willpower ga on physical strength, is the body drops down first, the soul does not die.
意志力尬上体力, 是身体先倒下, 还是灵魂不死。
The etheric body and dreamtime self are a body double or etheric duplicate of the physical.
Benefits encouraging the body, eliminate physical repression, fostering selfregulation body.
益处振奋肉体, 消弭肉体压制, 培育自律肉体。
The first of these is the physical body and the energy that controls its evolution and growth.
第一层是身体, 而此能量控制进化及成长。
after the physical body has fallen asleep, the astral body always projects into the physical world.
No longer in your natural state, you suddenly discover that the physical body has severe restraints.
What are the various jobs that the physical body and transformation form of an enlightened Master have to do?
What are the various jobs that the physical body and transformation form of an enlightened master have to do?
When you open your third eye chakra you will be able to see other dimensions whilst being in your physical body.
Why is it that through meditation practice, we can leave our physical body and enter into different worlds of existence?
The physical sense associated with this chakra is the sense of touch, in its aspect of relation to the person inside the body.
这个脉轮有关的感觉器官是触觉, 及其内在的感觉。
An investigation into the psychological effects of the university students participating the physical fitness exercises and body building
A person's blood pressure is influenced by many factors, including genetics, body weight, physical activity and, in some cases, salt intake.
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