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单词 physical age 例句大全,用单词physical age造句:

Age has no reality except in the physical world.
Mental and physical deterioration both occur naturally with age.
However, Zhao Ruirui is not a great age, physical impact on her career.
不过, 赵蕊蕊的年龄并不是很大, 身体影响着她的运动生涯。
Dyspnea must be assessed in relation to age, obesity and physical fitness.
Physical growth pattern of premature and small for gestational age infants
With the age, physical victimization is decreasing, but unknown control is increasing.
高中生受身体欺负比初中生少, 而未知控制更多。
People can be discriminated against due to their age, ethnicity, and even physical appearance.
人们由于年龄, 种族, 甚至是身体表征而受到歧视。
The appropriate amount depends on the dog's age, temperature, environment and physical activity.
Of or over the age of 18 and was , by reason of physical or mental disability, incapacitated for work.
Constitution of Physical Capacity in the Information Age Requirements of Landing Operations on Soldier's Physical Capacity
Discussion on Influences of Cancellation of Age and Marital Status Restriction in Candidates for Collegial Entrance Examinations on Physical Education Teaching Reform
So adolescence is defined as the period of life that starts with the biological, hormonal, physical changes of puberty and ends at the age at which an individual attains.
所以青春期也被定义为 生命中生理和荷尔蒙转变的开端
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