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单词 Orders 例句大全,用单词Orders造句:

Means of enforcement corrective orders, administrative fines, criminal charges, prison.
There are more active volcanoes beneath the sea than on land by two orders of magnitude.
海底比陆上有 多两个数量级的活火山。
Animal skins, absolutely original wholesale orders, assured, please specify requirements.
动物皮, 绝对正版, 放心批发, 下单请注明要求。
The offer is made without engagement. All orders will be subject to our written acceptance.
The policemen admitted beating the student, but said they were acting on orders from above.
The above offer without engagement and all orders will be subject to our written acceptance.
以上报盘均为虚盘, 所有订货将以我方书面接受为准。
Companies to cooperate sincerely with the abstract oil paintings, decorative painting orders.
诚与各公司合作抽象油画, 装饰画定单。
The EBTS will then report accepted trading orders sequentially through a transmission system.
经本系统接受后, 即透过传输系统依序回报之。
He pretended to obey orders without actually executing them, and in the end he was dismissed.
The formation and distribution of the state orders of the training adopt a bidding mechanism.
He went through the few things, wrote out a couple of orders, and called to Paul to accompany him.
In addition, the backward recurrence algorithm given can be extended to the one of complex orders.
I will inform you of the carriage calculated accurately in our shop after it orders about the carriage.
should we consent to acceptance of any cancellation of orders, buyer will have to pay a cancellation fee.
A robot must abey orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law
Processes and records purchase orders according to requisitions made in compliance to purchasing procedure.
The body of rules and regulations and orders and decisions created by administrative agencies of government.
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict the Frist Law.
There must be no more issuing of administrative orders regarding the creation and criticism of literature and art.
Methods Using partial orders on multiplicative reduct and additive reduct and relations between two partial orders.
Additionally, purchase orders are no longer accepted from schools, which must now pay in full on the day of the tour.
The author also states that there are currently no protection orders or restraining orders available under Hungarian law.
ON LAYERS AND ORDERS OF ENGINEERING SURVEY CONTROL NETWORKS A Survey of the Enforcement of Court Orders Against Properties
Our clothing factory with advanced equipment offers a prompt delivery according to orders for processing customers'materials.
本服装加工厂, 设备先进, 来料加工, 交货迅速。
However, in the War of Gengzi, Gan Army was under orders to resist the enemy, and its actual strength was greatly weakened after the war.
然而在庚子之役中 甘军奉命力抗敌军 实力大为削弱。

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