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单词 order off 例句大全,用单词order off造句:

I set off for the company earlier in order to avoid the heavy traffic.
The police have closed off the streets in order to catch the criminal.
为了抓住罪犯, 警察已经封锁了街道。
We have notice that your order have falling off lately, have not they?
我们发现贵公司得订单逐渐减少了, 不是 吗
On Tuesday morning a signed purchase order rolled off our fax machine.
The couple worked hard day and night in order to pay off all their debts.
When I uploaded all the pictures off my camera, they uploaded out of order.
We put off the conference in order to better cope with the tense situation.
You want order in Gotham ?Batman must take off his mask and turn himself in.
The order was given to cast off and soon the ship was moving away from the quay.
I have always been ready to use force in order to defy tyranny or ward off ruin.
Order them according to how much theyre ripping you off, and look your list over.
责令依法乱丢但若你多大了, 你看名单。
The order from the commander was that the troops should set off for the front immediately.
When Roger was seven, he could rattle off the names of all the states in alphabetical order.
My beard had started to grow, and I had unwillingly complied with the order to shave it off.
As soon as enemy bomber formation was sighted, the squadron leader gave the order to peel off.
Children have also been married off in order to settle debt incurred by the parents or guardians.
儿童也被出嫁, 以解决父母或监护人欠下的债务。
Please turn off the microwave before taking out the heated food in order to avoid breaking it down.
The union showed defiance of the court order against a strike by calling the workers off their jobs.
The horse must take weight off of the front by lowering the hindquarters in order to elevate himself.
In order to compensate feels inferior, reeled off silk carries on difficultly has exerted the struggle.
为了补偿自卑, 萧绎进行了艰苦的奋争。
By now, the tour guide reminded do not want to speak loudly, in order to avoid frightens off the egret.
这时, 导游提醒不要大声说话, 以免吓走白鹭鸶。
In order to reduce the confined action of steel reinforcement cage, the reinforcing bars in some places are precut off.
为了减小钢筋笼的夹制作用, 预先在某些部位切断钢筋。
You should be seated in the assigned seat, in order to ensure proper weight and balance for the aircraft then it takes off.
You should be seated in the assigned seat, in order to ensure proper weight and balance for the aircraft when it takes off.
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单词 order off 释义

  • 单词释义:勒令…退出比赛  [更多..]



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