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单词 ordering 例句大全,用单词ordering造句:

The quality is assurance, the reasonable price, welcome to order, ordering or the proxy.
Once upon a time, not long ago, I was sitting in a restaurant with my friend, ordering food.
Study on Ordering Policy Based on Transshipment and Transshipment Algorithms in Supply Chain
Adding or removing access control entries in ways that do not maintain the canonical ordering.
Support Ordering of maintenance components and equipment under guidance from Investment buyer.
The customer ordering a floral arrangement from my shop was giving me very specific guidelines.
一名顾客从我的花店订插花, 她给我详细地讲述要求。
Adhesive binding technology has four links of page ordering, binding, shape cutting and bundling.
The suit asked for a permanent injunction ordering Defendant to cease certain harmful activities.
The beauty bosom friend is a kind of point to stir, ordering to stir your wrong path in the heart.
The Ordering Microstructure and Carriers Transportation in Activated Layers of Organic Photovoltaic Cell
This paper gives an advanced timestamp ordering strategy based on traditional timestamp ordering method.
On the Introduction of Encouraging Mechanism in Ordering of Equipment Materials Research for Military Aid
It was not long before the captain received from the Cossack leader a manifesto ordering him to surender.
Prescribing, ordering, administration, and monitoring of medications are guided by policies and procedures.
Calling one of his lieutenants, he was on the point of ordering a reconnaissance, when gunshots were heard.
That would be like ordering the perfect burger and then eating the bun, the patty and the fixings one by one.
这将是完美的选择, 然后吃汉堡包, 一个接一个。
When ordering, please state the number of individual bearings, not the number of bearing pairs or bearing sets.
Where the assignment is without the consent by the ordering party, the ordering party may rescind the contract.
It is one of the important contents in the ordering system of computer to search address through operating number.
For convenience in ordering, specify by figure number. Contact Aloyco for additional assistance in valve selection.
And we went in, and right off the bat, our conversation really wasn't taking flight, but he was ordering a lot of food.
刚到 我们就发现 谈得 不太有意思 但他 点了很多吃的
Sant Egidio of Taranto is said to have revived a dismembered cow by arranging its severed limbs and ordering it to walk.
The Stage Manager and Assistant Stage Managers are prohibited from participating in the ordering of food for the company.
Compares two objects and returns the larger of the two, where the ordering criterion may be specified by a binary predicate.
On having the emperor in one's power and ordering the dukes about in his name A dynamical reveal in CAO Cao's Documents and Letters

单词 ordering 释义

  • 单词释义:排序;分类;调整;整顿  [更多..]



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