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单词 Pears 例句大全,用单词Pears造句:

She began to eat a bit too, softly sipping the syrup from a tin of pears.
This kind of pear is the result of crossing two different breeds of pears.
Continue to turn the duck over whilst cooking. Also, keep moving the pears.
继续煎鸭肉, 不断翻动梨。小心鸭肉沾有蜜糖, 很容易焦。
The whole family love to eat pears, which look good and are delicious to eat.
Please prepare the paired pared pears neat the unprepared pears near the pool.
The Effect of the Air Pollen on the Blossom and Fruit Bearing of Pears and Dates
The queer bear reared the rare deer with beer and cared for the mare with pears.
古怪的熊用啤酒养稀有的鹿, 用梨子照顾珍奇的母马。
He explained the beauty of the music to her but it was casting pears before swine.
On one of the 24 solar terms, March 5th,6th or 7th, it is the custom to eat pears.
I don't have the vocabulary to describe the distinctive taste of pears or peaches.
A Preliminary Study on Distant Hybridization of Apples with pears and stone Fruits.
Pare off the skin of pears and remove the core. Peel the lemon and orange, set aside.
制法1。先将啤梨去皮, 芯, 将柠檬和橙去皮, 置于一旁备用。
Divide the pears across the middle of each tortilla. Grind a little pepper the pears.
将安琪梨平均放在薄烙饼上, 洒上适量胡椒粉。
Because of the abundant sunshine, the melons, pears and cantaloupes are big and sweet.
There are only eighteen jin of pears in this basket after taking out the damaged ones.
Techniques of quality and high yielding of balsam pears continuous cropping in dry land
Development of Compound Healthy Protection Vinegar with Balsam Pears and Hawthorn leaves
Grievances also abounds in apples, pears winter fruit, soft fruIt'such as pears children.
苦水还盛产苹果, 冬果梨, 软儿梨等水果。
It is used in breaking the fruit and vegetable of apples, pears, tomatoes, gugubes, asparagus.
This basket of pears is probably 300 jin in weight; I guess that they can be sold for 500 yuan.
This dry, aromatic eau de vie is made from the fermented mash of William, Bartlett and Anjou pears.
这款生命之水采用发酵的香梨酿造, 它叫什么名字?
The complex prevention and control of the diseases and insect pests in the orchard of packaged pears
Mix the sauce and stew until done. Balsam pears can be served alone or accompanied with this sauce mixture.
A delicious blend of field greens, pears and candied walnuts tossed in our homemade Dijon balsamic vinaigrette.
During the senescence of'Xue Hua'Pears, the fruit firmness declined with the flesh developing the squarrose and browning, and lacking structural sense.

单词 Pears 释义

  • 单词释义:[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 皮尔斯 Pearce的变体  [更多..]



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