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单词 play at 例句大全,用单词play at造句:

But we sometimes play tennis at the tennis courts by our apartment complex.
He has heard that when children play at Peter Pan, they all want to be Peter.
The dirty weather caused the cancellation of a whole day's play at Wimbledon.
Adding a second language means a child can play dumb in two languages at once.
多学一种语言意味着, 孩子可以同时对两种语言装聋作哑。
Do not play with fire, not to play electric, not to play at a dangerous place.
不玩火, 不玩电, 不去危险的地方玩耍。
For their final exam, the drama class must put on a play at the end of the term.
Actors wearing masks, wearing high boots at the end, the angle from actor to play.
演员戴面具, 穿高底靴, 女角由男演员扮演。
She seemed to be assisting at a ghastly play in which she was the principal actor.
And then taking a nap in the afternoon off to play basketball at night watching TV!
然后睡午觉, 下午出去打篮球, 晚上看电视!
Panda cubs play at the China Wolong Giant Panda Research Center in Sichuan Province.
Just like there's benefits for humans and animals, there's benefits for play at work.
玩耍能够给人类与动物带来好处 它同样可以为工作造福
I have seen her play the Guzheng too and she is very adept at that instrument as well.
Not only does he play baketball very well, but his skill at swimming is also advanced.
You have to play at a ridiculously efficient level to trump Nashs offensive production.
The young student from the theatrical school showed great prowess at acting in the play.
I am a defender who usually plays at left back but can play anywhere along the back line.
He is a dab hand at the game. Now he can play a drinking game with everyone at his table.
It has always been my ambition to play at this level, and it was all I hoped it would be.
我一直希望能参加这种级别的比赛, 这就是我要的比赛。
Because, In kindergarten, it's only about play at the elementary school, it is about studying.
因为, 幼儿园是玩为主的, 小学是学为主的。
At the end of the play the sisters throw off their male disguises and admit what they have done.
剧终了时, 姐妹们去掉她们的男子伪装, 承认了她们所干的事。
At the aphid incipience Allithrimbium ignotum gave full play to inhibit its increase of population.
My sister was enrolled in an art school at 15 to learn to play the role of xiaodan in Beijing opera.
Still have a few girls at the same time online chat, see Han play carefree and contently at the same time.
My friend Bob had a problem because he liked to gamble at all costs. He would play at any time and at any price.
The performance group of the town will come to our village to perform Wan Wan Qiang (a local opera in Shanxi province, whose precursor is the shadow play) at night.
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单词 play at 释义

  • 单词释义:玩…;在…演奏;在体育比赛中担任…;假装…的游戏  [更多..]



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