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单词 play at 例句大全,用单词play at造句:

The king and queen always have minstrel play at their feast.
After we finished our homework, we went out to play at once.
When Harry made that remark, he meant merely to play at her.
I play baseball at Health Junior High School every afternoon.
Miss Bennet would not play at all amiss if she practiced more.
如果班纳特小姐多加练习的话, 弹起来就不会有毛病了。
How many players in the 21 squad play at club level in Europe.
I was singled out to perform a play at the graduation ceremony.
For a Dane, it's about having respect for the club you play at.
The play at the theater was poor fun. We hardly laughed at all.
Which do play at a department of gynaecology comparatively well?
They have arranged a few pieces of music for play at the concert.
Will it be a strange feeling when you return to play at Arsenal ?
当你重新回到阿森纳踢球, 你是不是感觉很特别?
The jazzman used to play at subway station before becoming famous.
At the end of an hour's play the advantage lay definitely with him.
经过一个小时的比赛, 他已肯定取得优势。
I do not play baseball at Health Junior High School every afternoon.
You can play it practically anywhere. How good are you at it, Mr. Lu
你可在任何地方练习球。陆先生, 你擅长乒乓球吗?
He's a very ambitious lad and he wants to play at the highest level.
His jumping ability at goal was matched by excellent court team play.
His parents are so rich that he can just play at being a businessman.
He is no fun to play at chess because he's always changing his moves.
跟他下棋没劲, 他老是拔招。
The football team play away these days and play at home next Saturday.
No need to play more accurately at the Taipei to Kaohsiung on the trip.
At the instance of the losing team, we agreed to play them again next week.
应输队之请, 我们同意下周再和他们比赛。
Play the entire thing aloof and no matter what you do, kiss her at the end.
要若即若离不管你怎么做, 最后要吻她
I cant play you at squash this week Im hors de combat with a twisted ankle.
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单词 play at 释义

  • 单词释义:玩…;在…演奏;在体育比赛中担任…;假装…的游戏  [更多..]



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