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单词 seeing that 例句大全,用单词seeing that造句:

Seeing that one day of the Spring Festival is drawing near, full of jubilant men everywhere.
What is the method that should seeing your company above all is proof of work out accountant.
Seeing that there is often poor visibility, the site chosen as an airport is not appropriate.
鉴于这里能见度经常欠佳, 所以选为机场是不适当的。
We're seeing, along with that proliferation of mobile devices, an expectation of availability.
随着移动设备的普及也见证了 对于文化可用性的期望。
Seeing that you're the head of this household, I would really appreciate you saying something.
你是一家之主, 你不应该说点什么么。
Seeing to the sohu made that bird activity to provide an opportunity for a lot of bitchy person.
It is the tip of the iceberg in terms of the opportunities that we are currently seeing I think.
Each rider is responsible for seeing that his brevet card is properly completed at each checkpoint.
There is something amazing about seeing a band or theater troupe that perform with complete harmony.
Which could mean that were seeing the beginning of the beginning of the end of this nasty recession.
That youth is chewing gum ceaselessly, outside seeing a window sometimes, see an old lady sometimes.
那青年不停的嚼着口香糖, 有时看看窗外, 有时看看老太太。
What we have found is that we are not seeing the factors that were associated with the1918 pandemic.
Primarily, I was going for the scenic wonders. No wonder that I would take delight in seeing Half Dome.
Seeing that his poor family cant afford his college tuition, the boy decided to work rather than study.
Without seeing any living flow in her eyes, almost anybody would think that she could not see him at all.
Were seeing right now that states and localities are beginning to slash budgets for conducting elections.
Mother and young aunt said you grow crafty, I return seeing that you snicker, want to beat you specially.
Seeing that Zhang was not moved by his letters, Shen utilized a strategy combing both hard and soft means.
What you are seeing is a demonstration of the product being made, and when you see that, you trust it more.
一旦你看到了产品是如何制作的, 你就会更相信它。
Seeing that your students have made some progress , one will feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.
And all his acquaintance, and the women that followed with him from Galilee, stood afar off, seeing these things.
It was in vain that Thenardier sought to conceal himself in the branches he could not prevent the man seeing him.
It was not so difficult to abstain from seeing her, because of the violent heat of creative fever that burned in him.
他心里的创作之火燃烧正旺, 管住自己不去看她并不困难。
Most pain pain is to excuse, the blackest black be to betray? What to say next seeing that have to experience afterwards?
Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness
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单词 seeing that 释义

  • 单词释义:因为, 由于, 鉴于  [更多..]



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