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单词 seeing that 例句大全,用单词seeing that造句:

Countermeasures Innovation of incorrupt that Seeing from the cause in New Period
Seeing that quite a few comrades were absent, we decided to put the meeting off.
How can it be that not seeing the world accurately gives us a survival advantage?
看世界不准确怎么会 给我们带来生存优势呢?
What sort of meditation is that, not seeing one's mind but seeing a crystal ball?
没看到自己的心, 却看到水晶球, 这是哪门子的禅修啊?
Seeing the rise of the bright sun on the horizon, I know that a new day has begun.
He demanded that they be better more candid, more equable, more capable of seeing.
只要求人比实际高尚些更正直, 更平心静气, 更能辨别是非。
Finally, seeing that I had calmed down somewhat, he pointed to the take-off board.
So, this is something that we're used to, in Los Angeles, seeing on our local news.
因此, 在洛杉矶当地新闻, 我们已经对这种新闻见怪不怪了。
Seeing the bandage over his head, the teacher realized that something had happened.
He demanded that they be better, more candid, more equable, more capable of seeing.
他要求他们高尚些 更正直,更平心静气,更能辨别是非。
And I never thought about nos anymore, or not seeing, or any of that kind of nothing.
我从未再想过别的, 没想过看不见, 或者任何这类事情。
There is a certain style of programming book that I have trouble seeing the point of.
有一类编程书籍, 我很难找出其观点。
Then, seeing that Winston's glass was empty, he brought the gin bottle and filled it.
看到温斯顿酒杯已空, 又端瓶斟满。
What we are seeing today is that wars and armed conflicts help to spread the epidemic.
Not doing that is a classic character flaw that goes back to not really seeing reality.
That's a story Bree concocted to cover the fact that we're seeing a marriage counselor.
那只是编的故事 布里编造出来掩盖事实 我们在看婚姻咨询。
Therefore, Ananda, you should know that when you see light, the seeing is not the light.
是故阿难。汝今当知, 见明之时, 见非是明。
That scar formation knows on seeing to is what stick thing once beat to leave carefully.
But I'm convinced that it's because you're walking around the streets and seeing things.
但我确信这是因为 你在大街上边走边看的原因。
Seeing that you're the head ofhousehold, I would really appreciate you saying something.
既然你是一家之主, 你应该发话说点什么。
And again, looking at these images, there's this constant, like, haze that you're seeing.
Alice had been so deep in thought that she had walked past her car without even seeing it.
We are seeing supply chains and logistics systems that range across continents and oceans.
It's not that we are afraid of seeing him stumble, of scribbling a mustache over his career.
并非因为我们担心他绊倒, 担心他给自己的生涯抹黑。
Seeing that there is often poor visibility,the site chosen as an airport is not appropriate.
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单词 seeing that 释义

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