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单词 real money 例句大全,用单词real money造句:

When the money went missing, the real thief pointed the finger at me.
这笔钱不见时, 真正得小偷却指着我得鼻子诬赖我。
Follow the onscreen instructions to opening a New Real Money Account.
In order to make a deposit, you must create a real money mode account.
为了做存款, 您必须开一个玩真钱方式的帐户。
He has been poor and wretched all his life, never making any real money.
She didn't quite believe it was real money. She used to worry and fret about it.
Counterfeit money also, but the real currency controls the difference is obvious.
The real smart people who could be president do something easier and for more money.
足以当总统得聪明人却想做更简单得事, 赚更多得钱。
At the counter, the salesman checked each note carefully to see if the money was real.
收银处, 收银员仔细地检查每张钞票确定其是否是真的。
eg Jack said he would donate the money to build a new sports center. Hes a real sport.
These COMP points can be converted to real money that can be cashed out or played with.
He threw a great deal of money into real estate in vain. Now he can't even afford a meal.
This also is not difficult to explain a lot of real estate Why can the boss absconded money.
The game is implemented with accounting and transactional systems to enable play for real money.
Real money is a complete one, the middle of counterfeit money in general obviously intermittent.
Money supply has somewhat effect on the real estate investment, but the effectiveness is limited.
Real estate agents use prefab dwellings as sample rooms, which are convenient to use and can save money.
Up to Jin in old coffin have taken off tear. People just understand. Money is to can not buy real situation.
Some people call my sister a wheeler-dealer because she's made so much money buying and selling real estate.
Gross domestic product, In real dollars,Per person,Disposable personal income,Median family money income,In constant dollars
As a little bitty kid competing in rodeo events, I made a little money and I thought, Wow, this is a lot better than having to get a real job.
我一直知道我将骑公牛去谋生, 或者说希望我将会那么做。
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单词 real money 释义



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