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单词 real market 例句大全,用单词real market造句:

Real Estate Market in Every Country
Sigh sound of the real estate sales market sales go from here?
叹息声中的地产营销楼盘销售, 何去何从?
It's been raining all week and sunglasses are a real drug on the market.
The harmonious situation of Shenyang real estate market begins to shape.
I've bought some employ furniture from Sunday market. It were a real bargain.
Jay's great gain in the stock market encouraged him to invest in real estate.
Real estate has been priced out of the market and only a handful of people can afford it.
Nowadays, with the huge fluctuation in the real estate market, it is hard to predict housing prices.
The government gathered the nervous fund in the real estate market and settled the financial situation.
So this model can be used to help government make targeted policies which aim at stabilize the real estate market.
因此, 此模型可用于指导房地产政策的制定。
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