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单词 reach to 例句大全,用单词reach to造句:

In order to reach these higher levels, some clairvoyant ability is required.
Additional insecticides and larvicides are expected to reach Dili next week.
to reach back and turn a knob and adjust the headrest to put it in position.
伸到背后去拧一个把手 来调节头靠的位置。
This wants voltaic volmeter to check ability to reach normally accurate data.
When the storm rose on the Lake, we had to bale out to reach the shore safely
暴风雨降临湖面, 我们不得不把水舀出, 以保平安抵岸。
Before Nora had time to reach, he knocked curtly on the door and was admitted.
劳拉还没来得及, 他就楞楞敲门进去了。
The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the ability to reach it.
When the storm rose on the lake, we had to bail out to reach the shore safely.
a promise that led workers to picket lines, and women to reach for the ballot.
这个承诺把工人们领往纠察线, 让女人取得选举权。
Accelerating action to reach the EFA goals and the Millennium Development Goals.
It usually takes several decades for atherosclerosis to reach an advanced stage.
Where the parties fail to reach an agreement, the Patent Office shall adjudicate.
Application of Doppler acoustic flow measuring device to tidal reach in plain area
That makes pricey television advertising the only plausible means to reach voters.
Their failure to reach an agreement brought the two countries to the brink of war.
tion was adjusted by adding nitrogen and phosphorus salts to reach the exact ratio.
通过增加的声誉是调整的氮, 磷盐达到准确的比例。
The Raven Queen provides a method for the adventurers to travel into Death's Reach.
And that centripetal acceleration D is a must for this object to reach that point D.
To reach the petrol sometimes you need to dig something like 2 km below the surface.
Offer the assessment the leader to reach concerned branch to consult as a result now.
These experimental AIDS vaccines are the first from Africa to reach testing in people.
The scientists are able to calculate accurately when the spaceship will reach the moon.
The bones in the tail should feel straight and should reach to the hock joint or below.
But if both sides make concessions, they can reach a good settlement acceptable to both.
双方都让点步, 总能找到好的都可以接受的办法。
When using hooks, children have to be aided by benches or adults so as to reach the hooks.
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单词 reach to 释义

  • 单词释义:触[伸]及,及于  [更多..]



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