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单词 reach over 例句大全,用单词reach over造句:

over board out reach of grab
I can't reach! Pull him over!
I'd reach over, and I'd, I'd hug you.
I'd reach over,and I'd,I'd hug you.
Brazil and EU reach deadlock over trade
Under the condition,the oil yield could reach over 91.
We will reach our camp after we have climbed over this mountain.
Have it hanging over your chest, with the end within arms reach.
让它挂在你胸部上方, 缎带的底端可以用手抓到。
Let's see if we can reach some sort of agreement over your curfew.
让我们来看看, 是不是能对你的夜归时间达成什么议?
The two parties reach an agreement over the term for the contract.
Reach over my shoulder and you can pick up the ruler from the table.
你从我肩上伸过手去, 就可以从桌上拿到直尺了。
Reach over my shoulder and you can pick up the scissors from the table.
你从我肩上伸过手去, 就可以从桌子上拿到剪刀了。
The jurors kept thrashing over the evidence without being able to reach a verdict.
When we reach the footbridge over the canal, keep down or you'll bang your head on it!
Stumbled, whole person bends over fell, do not know to you can be hurt reach splanchnic ?
绊了一下, 整个人都趴下了, 不知道会不会伤及内脏?
There has been anticipation in the industry over whether Mr Bolton's fund would reach its goal.
对于波顿的基金能否实现目标, 业内一直满怀期待。
Fun of conquer Tramp over hill and dale continuously, as you know, the higher you reach, the nicer sight you get.
The Relationship between the Flood and Drought over the Lower Reach of the Yangtze River Valley and the SST over the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea
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单词 reach over 释义

  • 单词释义:越过某人拿某物  [更多..]



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