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单词 rather than 例句大全,用单词rather than造句:

For array properties, access specifiers must list methods rather than fields.
对于数组属性, 访问说明符必需列出方法而不是域。
Many were convicted by the Tribunal as accomplices rather than as principals.
In addition, the city is a ratchet tooth spines, rather than the city, right ?
另外, 是棘齿城而不是齿棘城吧?
The guardian's duties were primarily sanctionative rather than administrative.
The actress speaks in a Beijing dialect in the opera rather than rhyming lines.
Most of the time he states rather than conveys, and gossips rather than writes.
大部分时间中, 他只是述事不立言, 谈论而不写作。
In both cases history rather than logic is responsible for the actual boundaries.
在两种情形中, 实际界线主要由传统而不是由逻辑所决定。
Gentleman unity, rather than collusion, collusion villain, rather than unity.
Accept the inevitable challenge of aging, rather than seeing them as aberrant crises
接受衰老不可避免的挑战, 而不是把它们视作异常危机
People with thought are brave rather than cowardly, aggressive rather than submissive.
Many carbonate masses older than Middle Palaeozoic are of dolomite rather than calcite.
Risk is far better reported in absolute numbers rather than relative risk or percentage.
Being a game of chance rather than skill, the contest was basically a gambling activity.
Today's shareholders are predominantly institutional investors rather than active owners.
Gradually it acquired experience, becoming a complementary rather than an imitative force.
Still, it is an encouraging sign that they have opted for acceptance rather than dogmatism.
The proposal is an attempt at adapting to customer behavior rather than trying to quash it.
And people should relax about itcalm down about it rather than getting overexcited about it.
Suffer It often suggests acceptance or passivity rather than courage or patience in bearing.
A formal accusation of a crime made by a public officer rather than by grand jury indictment.
if the chairman resigned of his own accord, rather than as a result of pressure from the board.
最好是懂事长自动请辞, 而不是由董事会施压。
Mr Obama has punted on partialbirth abortion rather than denouncing the whole gruesome procedure.
Ancestral Awakening This talent now accounts for your ineffective healing, rather than effective.
Article 39 The Company shall not prepare any other accounting book rather than the statutory ones.
Rather than pouring yourself a glass of fruit juice, try adding skim milk to your morning routine.
与其喝果汁, 不如试着在你的早餐你加点脱脂牛奶吧。
英文例句大全为您提供rather than英文例句大全,rather than英文造句,关于rather than的英语句子,单词rather than怎么造句,rather than英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于rather than,英语单词rather than的句子,单词rather than如何造句,rather than怎么造句等。

单词 rather than 释义

  • 单词释义:(要)…而不…,与其…倒不如…;instead of sb/sth 而不是  [更多..]



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