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单词 Seller 例句大全,用单词Seller造句:

Once upon a time there were a buyer and a seller.
从前, 有一个买家和一个卖家。
I guess this book will be ablest seller.
Article 141 Absence of The seller shall deliver the subject matter at the prescribed place.
Despite the seller's urging, the buyer refused to pay and to accept the goods.
The seller will withdraw the offer unless accept by tomorrow noon.
I did want to buy that garment, but the seller didn't give me an acceptable price.
我是实意想买那件衣服, 可那卖家却没有实价。
The reinspection certificates shall be issued by an inspection organization acceptable to the seller.
Acceptance testing of the System shall be in accordance with Seller's Acceptance Test Procedure.
Signing of the Acceptance Certificate entitles the Seller to full and immediate payment.
Any discrepancies between the samples and the contracted goods are the base of complaint, which must be accepted by the Seller.
In case direct sellers violate related rules of Regulations on Forbidding Pyramid Selling, their applications will not be accepted.
直销员违反禁止传销条例有关规定的, 其申请不予受理。
Bestsellers in Southeast Asia and all over the country, and users access to a high degree of recognition.
畅销东南亚及全国各地, 并获得用户高度认同。
In all cases, claims must be accompanied by Survey Reports of Recognized Public Surveyors agreed to by the Sellers.
Cost of inspection is to Seller's account.
More new regulations account the seller's convenience.
It is only valid for the reseller accounts and cannot be used in conjunction with any other coupon.
Lee Iaccocos Autobiography was acknowledged to be number one on the bestseller list of 1983.
When real property is acquired by purchase, a deed is given by the seller, or grantor, to the purchaser or grantee.
购买不动产时, 卖方或授予人向买方或受让人提供契据。
In the case fo goods, the seller must act in good faith.
You know of course that we, the sellers, are merely acting as mediators in this matter.
This Guarantee shall come into effect from the date of the actual receipt of the down payment by the Seller
However, in the event that the Vessel is determined to be an actual or constructive total loss, the Seller shall either
Commensurate with the additional risk, interest rates for seller paper are almost always higher than those for traditional loans.
与额外险相称, 卖方票据几乎总是比传统的贷款高。
But at least this time, the sellers admit it is all a joke.
Housing outright sale contract, issue outright sale contract, adopt outright seller, no estoppel or othercomplication is allowed.
房屋卖断契, 立卖断契, 立卖断人, 不得反悔或节外生枝。

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