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单词 SAY 例句大全,用单词SAY造句:

Im sure people will think, Aah, its because Ive slept with Tim, she says.
And the LORD spake unto Moses and to Aaron, saying unto them
耶和华对摩西, 亚伦说,
And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying.
耶和华在埃及地晓谕摩西, 亚伦说。
Say ab extra bonze good recite scriptures, probably this word is pretty good.
都说外来的和尚好念经, 大概这句话是不错的。
Determination of Total Content of Mercury in Soil Sample by High Temperature Pretreatment cold Vapour Atomic Ab sorption Assay.
He says they were taken aback by the vandalism.
他说, 破坏行为让他们很吃惊。
We might say, the day of the abacus is gone.
人们能够说, 算盘的时代曾经过去了。
She says she glories in being abandoned, Peter interpreted.
Newton says he has abandoned the infinitesimal or infinitely small quantity.
She rationalized her decision to abandon her baby by saying she could not afford to keep it.
He says that now, but he will not abandon his own flesh and blood.
他现在说不在乎 但他不会丢下亲生骨肉不管的。
Ms. Sharma says that she and her two friends thought about abandoning the bus and trying to hike out.
夏尔马说, 她和她的两个朋友曾考虑下车, 步行回去。
Major General Abbas says the assault lasted nearly two hours.
You will not find any discussion about this in the Pakistani discourse, says Abbas.
If the Black Abbot gave you an offer to join his forces, what would you say
如果黑暗修士邀你加入他的阵营, 你怎么回答?
I will abbreviate this bleak description by saying that you will be totally destroyed.
Just say the firm's name or abbreviation and the system retrieves the latest stock information and verbally transmits it to the caller.
The most common medically unexplained ones are fatigue, back pain, headache and abdominal pain, doctors say.
Some people are saying that we were abducted by aliens.
She says the artist's impression is an excellent likeness of her abductor.
Mr. Abe has refused to say if he will visit the shrine as prime minister.
Mister Abe has refused to say if he will visit the shrine as prime minister.
They have to downsize, says Mr. Abed.
Stock markets and real estate markets are doing well but thats momentum investing. It is not a great new opportunity, says Mr Abed.
In the Bible it says that Adam begat Cain and abel.

单词 SAY 释义

  • 单词释义:Salisbury;Rhodesia (airport) 罗得西亚索尔兹伯里(机场);Siena;Italy 意大利  [更多..]



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