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单词 Lush 例句大全,用单词Lush造句:

The ablush defoliation jumps up in the breeze.
She was able to blush on cue, Papp said.
Barge aboard catamaran flush deck vessel
Shoots grow in flushes, showing rapid growth, then stopping as the apical bud aborts.
花苞最先开始快速得涨大, 花苞得尖牙会自然得掉落。
The wine son looking at him absolute side face ugg boots dedicate ones mind of facial expression, suddenly have some blush with shame.
酒儿看着他完美的侧脸和专注的神情, 忽然有些脸红。
Now the absurd situation was open, Jack blushed too.
It has lush pasture lands along its banks, flourishing agriculture and abundant mineral deposits.
它郁郁葱葱的草场沿河岸的, 繁荣的农业和丰富的矿藏。
Li Lusha's academic background includes sociology, journalism, English language and literature.
From Lushan National Institute to White Deer Hollow Academy
Teaching Aproaces of Lushan National University and White Deer Cave Academy
In his late years, he lived in Lotus Cave on Lushan Mountain and set up Lianxi Academy where he gave lectures and planted lotus.
Accelerate the Conversion Programme of Aqua Privies into Flushing Toilets
Determination of Flushing Volume in the Clearing of Vascular Access Device Port
He was killed in an accident in the first flush of manhood.
他刚成年, 精力充沛时就死于意外事故。
Mary accidentally flushed her ring down the toilet.
If the etchant is accidentally splashed into the eye, flush with copious amounts of water and seek medical attention immediately.
如果意外的溅到眼睛, 立即用大量的水冲洗并寻求医疗帮助。
The Lusheng dance varies according to nationality.
同是芦笙舞, 因民族之不同。
Under his accusing gaze we both blushed.
See every time or hear their achievement, I always can flush hot tear.
每当看到或听到他们的事迹, 我总会涌出热泪。
An array of nine small acoustic generators was flush mounted with the model surface.
If your blain blain is flush, the doctor can suggest your avoid certain food, do not eat acrimony.
如果你的痘痘泛滥, 医生都会建议你忌口, 别吃辛辣。
Across the rich world, firms are flush with cash.
在富裕国家, 企业资金充裕。
Across the bridge, is a lush green farmland.
His actions were not rational at first blush.
乍一看, 他的行为并不理性。
The actor blushed as he forgot his lines.
那个演员突然忘词儿了, 急得满脸飞红。

单词 Lush 释义



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