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单词 insufficiencies 例句大全,用单词insufficiencies造句:

The design and detect process of photoelectric theodolite are analyzed, and the insufficiencies of the process are pointed out at first.
分析了现在光电经纬仪的研发和检测过程, 指出了其不足。
It both has made up the textbook certain insufficiencies, and is the good helper which assistance teaching.
它既弥补了教科书的某些不足, 又是辅助教学的好帮手。
Impact of Percutaneous Device Implantation for Closure of Patent Foramen Ovale on Valve Insufficiencies.
This article concerning about the insufficiencies the stimulating fiscal policy mainly.
Chapter Six is about the expatiation of the insufficiencies of the research and the development direction of the elaboration.

单词 insufficiencies 释义

  • 单词释义:不充足,不足( insufficiency的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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