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单词 rejected 例句大全,用单词rejected造句:

It had been noted earlier that an effort to legalize abortion had been rejected by Parliament.
The chairman rejected his absurd proposal.
For too long I have been trampled upon, rejected and abused.
Goods in which nuclear radiation exceeds 150 becquerel shall be rejected, acceptable till 150 becquerel.
If delay acceptance will exceed three months without reason, that will be treated as goods rejected midway.
Had I been accepted or rejected?
到底我被录用了, 还是被回绝了?
Proposal A suggestion, offer, or plan that will be considered and accepted or rejected.
Different route scheme is accepted or rejected logically by comparing the superiority index of each project.
Course fee must accompany this form, otherwise enrolment may be rejected.
According to reports, the Paris District Court rejected the demands of a few days ago.
据报道, 巴黎地方法院日前驳回了这一诉求。
He rejected the conventional choice of someone with a background in business or accounting.
We despised him and rejected hima man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief.
他被蔑视, 被人拒绝他忍受痛苦, 历经忧患。
He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.
If content is rejected, it is returned to the Edit Activity stage.
Another disappointment was that our additional request for Government to consider reducing the horse race betting duty rate was rejected.
政府决定暂不考虑调低赛马博彩税率, 也令我们失望。
Adler rejected the idea that a human being is simply a product of environment and heredity.
Not logged in. Your password is being rejected, contact the server administrator.
不能登录。你的密码被拒绝, 请联系服务器管理员。
The youth rejected admonition and held to his demand.
However, Danes rejected adopting the euro currency in 1998.
And a rejected baby black panther in Serbia has been adopted by a dog.
And a rejected baby black panther has been adopted by a dog.
在塞尔维亚, 一只被遗弃的小黑豹已被一只狗收养。
Anda rejected baby panther in Serbiahas been adopted by a dog.
在塞尔维亚, 一只被遗弃的小黑豹被一只母狗收养。
One advantage of using a differential architecture is that ideally common mode signals will be rejected.
使用差分架构的一个优点为, 理想地, 共模信号将被抑制。
The police have already rejected applications by different pet advocacy groups to stage demonstrations.
He rejected the austerity program advocated by the International Monetary Fund.

单词 rejected 释义

  • 单词释义:被弃之物,落选者  [更多..]



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