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单词 overtakes 例句大全,用单词overtakes造句:

In a spot disparity is unable under the aspect which overtakes, Li Shishi dices in 295 admits defeat.
在一点的差距无法追上的局面下, 李世石于295手投子认输。
Eventually, the exponential always catches up and overtakes the arithmetic progress.
最终, 指数数列总会赶上来, 超过算数数列。
An ass lading with gold overtakes every thing.
Sometimes he overtakes the beetle.
有时候, 他超甲虫得车,
, the Buddhist asks himself as he overtakes a Volvo with Swedish license plates.
Ian catches up and overtakes Tom.
A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser.
Reporter understanding, had had itch to try of much home financing, collect speed overtakes with power.
记者了解, 已经有多家资金跃跃欲试, 募集速度赶超同威。
I hurry to cross the river before the night overtakes me.
我怕被黑夜赶上, 急忙过河。
The greatest success comes just one step beyond the point at which defeat overtakes you.
The fireball overtakes family hoping to escape before they even get in the truck.
一家人还没来得及坐进卡车里, 火球便摧毁他们逃生的希望。

单词 overtakes 释义

  • 单词释义:追上,赶上,超过( overtake的第三人称单数 );(不愉快的事情)突然发生;突然降临;(在数量或重要性方面)大于  [更多..]



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