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单词 the human race 例句大全,用单词the human race造句:

For he does not willingly abase or afflict the human race.
因为他苛待和惩罚世人, 原不是出于他的心愿。
The human race sinned, and God answered with abounding grace.
One of the antediluvian progenitors of the human race, from Adam to Noah.
It occurred to me that young people must be capable of functioning as competent adults, or the human race quite probably would not exist.
最起码, 奥巴马错过了一个本可以展示其领导力的机会。
We must affirm the indivisibility of the human race.
The human race has enough weapons to annihilate itself.
A fullscale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race.
for as long as the human race exists.
Culture has begun to offer the human race convenience and generosity since it has been created by the human race.
自从人类创造了文化, 文化便开始给予人类以方便和厚待。
Every man with a bellyful of the classics is an enemy to the human race
In the Bible, Gods promise to the human race.
约圣经中, 上帝对人类的承诺。
The origin of the human race is not as blind a subject as it once was.
人类起源已不再象过去那样, 是个茫然神秘的课题。
A Brief History of the Human Race
I do not regard a broker as a member of the human race.
The Buddha was like a doctor, treating the spiritual ills of the human race.
The calm of solitude will be replace by the pounding pace of the human race.
Cancer is a scourge of the human race.
The human race cannot survive.
From its most terrible blows there comes forth a caress for the human race.
In a way the human race needs to improve its mental and physical qualities if it is to deal with the increasingly complex world around it and meet new challenges like space travel.
Is the human race threatened with complete extinction?
Nuclear war threatens the human race with complete extinction.
核战争威胁着人类, 人类可能全部毁灭。
I think the human race, and its DNA, will increase its complexity quite rapidly.
As far as procreation is concerned, the human race has been in a state of total anarchy and has failed to exercise control.
人类在生育上头完全是无政府状态, 自己不能控制自己。
Numerous United Nations consensus documents have affirmed the fundamental unity of the human race.
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