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单词 to the extreme 例句大全,用单词to the extreme造句:

In turn debates and discussions of these developments often allocate time and energy to the extremes.
At least one netizen has taken this argument to the extreme.
The skin is white, translucent juice, matte finish to the meat, attractive to the extreme.
雪白的面皮, 透亮的汁液, 粉嫩的肉馅, 诱人到极致。
The unique nature of welding automation and robotics, intelligent play to the extreme.
焊接的独特性质与机器人的自动化, 智能化发挥到极至。
Mr. Ford carried his belief in unity to the extreme.
福特先生一直坚持实践自己的整体信念, 并达到了最佳程度。
Due to the extremely dry weather, the furniture boards all burst open.
由于天气太干燥, 家具木板都绽开了。
The match was cancelled due to the extreme cold.
因极度寒冷, 这场比赛被取消了。
Taking casual Friday a bit to the extreme, aren't we, Ms. Delfino?
你真是将周五休闲装发挥到了极致 不是吗?,德尔非诺夫人?
He conditioned himself to the extreme cold.
They take consumerization to the extremes, having a secondary interest in the enterprise.
The doctor told me not to mention dieting to her in case she took it to the extreme.
Probe into the Extreme Value of Ionicity and Dilution Law
Would you ever even dream to go to the extreme
Due to the extreme cold, we were unable to plant the trees.
由于天气很冷, 所以我们无法去植树。
He went to the extreme of killing his enemy.
It seems as you move to the extremes of mathematical excellence, autism becomes more common.
越是往数学精英的上层走, 孤独症就越普遍。
In his ardent eyes the fanciful, lofty joy he experienced was something precious to the extreme.
这种快乐,在他的眼里竟然带了一种空幻的 崇高的性质。
Go to the extreme of.
She was grieved to the extreme.
He is frugal to the extreme.
She is frugal to the extreme.
go to the extreme of
This man is greedy and gluttonous to the extreme.
The old woman is frugal to the extreme.
She found the book uninteresting to the extreme.
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单词 to the extreme 释义

  • 单词释义:极度地,非常地  [更多..]



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