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单词 were it not for 例句大全,用单词were it not for造句:

Were it not for you timely advice, my goose would have been cooked.
若不是你及时劝告, 我恐怕就完蛋了。
I should be without pence were it not for his assistance.
如果不是他的接济, 我现在会差不多囊空如洗。
Were it not for the cataclysmic events which overtook them.
I doubt I would have ever learned Chinese were it not for the chatty taxi drivers here.
如果不是特贫的出租车司机, 我很怀疑能否学会中文。
Were it not for science, we could not live a comfortable live.
were it not for the dust , vapor would not condense.
要是没有灰尘, 水蒸气就无法凝结。
That would be the end of the story were it not for an odd detail.
Were it not for your gratuitous interference, the children would have quickly settled their dispute.
要不是你的无理干涉, 孩子们本来会很快停止争吵。
Were it not for his help, I could not finish the work.
若非有他的帮助, 我就不能完成这件工作。
Were it not for friction, we would not be able to walk on this earth of ours.
如果没有摩擦, 我们就不能够在我们自己的地球上行走。
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单词 were it not for 释义

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