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单词 wary of 例句大全,用单词wary of造句:

But plenty of people in Congress and the administration are wary of charging ahead.
Be wary of advice from old fogies like me.
Be wary of minimalism as an aesthetic decision without cause.
Also, be wary of portion size when drinking alcohol.
General Braddock might not have been defeated if he had been wary of an ambush.
如果布拉多克将军留埋伏, 他就不会被打败了。
We must always be wary of those who with sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal preach the ism of appeasement.
This is something that applicants to technical institutions in particular should be wary of.
American universities are apt to be particularly wary of the state of your English.
Be wary of prepaying for longterm arrangements.
Mr Lyons says that the Asians are wary of allowing the same to happen to them.
莱昂斯表示, 东亚各国担心让同样的事情发生在他们身上。
Investors, wary of the unknown, are moving out of euro denominated assets.
Yet one must be wary of interpretations that attempt to reduce complex reality to a simple dynamic.
All authors need to be wary of inadvertent plagiarism of other people's work.
Lastly, the auto task force said it was wary of GMs growing legacy costs.
最后, 汽车特别工作组说, 这是担心通用汽车的日益遗留成本。
Be wary of using the TV or other electronic devices as part of your bedtime ritual.
Do not Believe the honesty of the honest, Be wary of the unkindness of the kind.
莫信直中直, 须防仁不仁。
At the end of the cold war America was beset by economic anxieties and wary of military power.
在冷战尾期, 美国受困于经济不畅和军力戒备。
Be wary of late binding to a name that includes some user data.
After being bitten by a stray dog, Gail was wary of all dogs.
If you decide to borrow more than your existing mortgage, you need to be wary of your budget.
Yet Ms Merkel has been wary of raising public borrowing to stimulate demand.
The Chelsea boss is also wary of the Toon Army effect.
Therefore, investors must be wary of at this time callback risk index.
所以, 投资者此时一定要谨防股指回调风险。
Be wary of user names that might have more than one canonical format.
请注意, 用户名可能不止有一种规范格式。
He was cautious of his footing, wary of the edge.
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单词 wary of 释义

  • 单词释义:谨防的;小心翼翼的  [更多..]



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