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单词 BIDE 例句大全,用单词BIDE造句:

await a favourable opportunity wait for a chance bide ones time.
Their minions, however, refuse to abide by the decisions of the Anunnaki to rejoin the forces of Light.
然而, 他们的爪牙拒绝追随阿努奇人加入光的决定。
I shall abide by the regulations of Shanghai International Studies University.
在上海外国语大学学习期间, 遵守学校各项规章制度。
I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.
Accomplish abide by contract keep good faith, ensure finish manufacturing jobschedule on time.
完成重协议守信义, 保证按期按时结束岀产项目。
I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.
After this agreement is signed by the two parties, all parties shall strictly abide by it.
在双方签约之后, 各方将严格遵守本协议。原译文。
Sixteen more nations have agreed to abide by its terms.
Now that she's got up in the world, poor old croftie can't abide it.
既然她在这个世界里爬上来, 可怜的老克罗夫迪就无法忍受。
must abide by the law manage, must not manage inferior seed and sham seed.
种子企业必须守法经营, 不得经营劣质种子和假冒种子。
Abide in the calling in which you are called, unless you are clearly told to do something else.
守在你原有的呼召中, 除非你得了新的清楚的呼召。
Welding welding operation must hold professional certificates, and strictly abide by the rules.
One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group,a dissenter.
The Employee shall abide by the laws of the Republic of Singapore and the Company's Rules and Regulations.
Civil proceedings within the territory of the PRC shall abide by this Law.
凡在中华人民共和国领域内进行民事诉讼, 必须遵守本法。
Strictly abide to the standard , innovate the culture and enhance the core competitive advantage of the enterprise.
严守标准, 文化创新, 不断提升企业核心竞争力。
Governments at all levels and all cadres must stay honest and clean and abide by the law.
各级政府和所有干部都必须做到清正廉明, 奉公守法。
This Nightfort is the place my husband has chosen for our seat, and there we shall abide.
夜堡是我丈夫为我们选择的居处, 我们一定要住在那里。
They will abide by this code, be worthy of the name of teacher, and be modeled by their students.
We hereby proclaim the following eightpoint covenant by which we, together with the whole people, shall abide.
兹特宣布约法八章, 愿与我全体人民共同遵守之。
I agree to abide by MCMIA's rules and regulations and permit MCMIA to announce my membership.
Up to now clinical go up still abide by old saying, use sudoriferous method to haemorrhage patient avoid.
In the world one should abide by the law or the power of Buddha
Superintend without the basis but abide, hit for the enterprise edge ball stayed to violate compasses airspace.
fulfill review staff responsibilities, strictly abide by the disciplines, impartial.
认真履行评审人员职责, 严格遵守评审纪律, 公正严明。

单词 BIDE 释义

  • 单词释义:Bangladesh Institute of Development of Economics 孟加拉国经济发展研究所  [更多..]



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