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单词 curs 例句大全,用单词curs造句:

I suspect that having a mother who is a barrister is both a blessing and a curse.
It is both a blessing and a curse.
The captain order ordered passengers incurs and crew to abandon ship about an hour later.
一小时后, 船长组织乘客以小队方式弃船。
That evening he drank heavily, abandoning all restraint, muttering curses at those young fellows.
这晚他没命地喝了许多酒, 嘴里嘶嘶地骂着那些小伙子。
Second , where the abatement occurs must be separated from who pays for it.
Lower abdominal pain occurs in rare cases.
When a ventral hernia occurs, it usually arises in the abdominal wall where a previous surgical incision was made.
An umbilical hernia occurs when part of the intestine protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles.
Cursed, Abhorrent OblivionJustified UndertakerNabbing, FarmerEating Nightmare from the Grotto
被诅咒而万劫不复, 以农夫为食的岩洞恶魔
Mr. Smith seems to be cursed with the ability to see the other fellow's point of view.
It occurs as a result of something underit which can be abject serious potentially serious.
I abjure, curse and detest the abovementioned errors and heresies and in general, each and every other error thereby and cite contrary to the Holy Church.
我发誓放弃, 诅咒并憎恶上述错误及异端邪说。
Relationship Between Impending Earthquake Precursors and Abnormal Temperature Increase near Ground
Oedema occurs when there is an abnormal amount of fluid in the interstitial space.
The earthquake, before specially the violent earthquake occurs, the general meeting appears abnormal phenomena.
地震, 特别是强地震发生之前, 总会出现些异常现象。
Study and Analysis on Abnormal Changes in Magnetic Declination and Earthquake Precursory Anomaly at Mengcheng Magnetic Station
Remove Curse, Cure Poison, and Abolish Poison cannow be cast in Tree of Life form.
Pollen abortion occurs at the uninuclear stage of PMC's.
Negative numbers are used to specify an absolute position from the end of the cursor.
The Recursive Identification Algorithm of the Minimum Absolute Error Sum Regression
absolutely not. not now. not for a random incursion
绝对不可以, 不是现在, 不能因为一次胡乱的袭击
Demolish, absorb a blood clan can use the improbity black sorcery to curse the person of the destiny lead toward misery.
毁灭, 吸血族可使用邪恶黑魔法的诅咒把人的命运引向不幸。
Fluorescent destruction occurs about once for every ten interstellar ultraviolet photons absorbed.
When digestive hydrolysis to monosaccharides occurs, the products of digestion are absorbed and catabolized.
This forced the inorganic blood curse to have the opportunity to develop and, ultimately, assimilation absorption.

单词 curs 释义

  • 单词释义:野狗( cur的名词复数 );坏蛋,无赖  [更多..]



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