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单词 recreates 例句大全,用单词recreates造句:

The play recreates the pathetic process of fascination the heroine was labouring under and demonstrates how the German people fell under the spell.
此剧重塑了艾娃悲凉的人生, 也反应了德国人对她的感受。
The couple walks to the church hand in hand, and the village scene recreates the picturesque background for the festival.
佳偶牵手走向教堂, 愉悦的人群背后, 是画一般的山村背景。
With the camera as the major tool, the filmmaker recreates the external world.
This step recreates the packages in the new package format while leaving the original packages intact.

单词 recreates 释义

  • 单词释义:再创造( recreate的第三人称单数 );再现;消遣;娱乐  [更多..]



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