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单词 NDs 例句大全,用单词NDs造句:

They ooh and aah when the thousands of little lights in the ball come on.
They ooh and aah when the thousands of little lights in the ball come on.
1 They ooh and aah when the thousands of little lights in the ball come on.
They Ou ooh and Ah aah when the thousands of little lights on the ball come on.
One who attends a person who fights a duel a backer.
is that this system costs a quarter of a million pounds a year.
A radiator also has a neck that ends in a cap.
散热器也有颈部, 在帽结束。
It was nice to sit in a bar and have a drink with a handsome guy.
Believe me hes a man who knows a hawk from a handsaw.
真的, 他是个有鉴别能力的人。
a conical shape with a wider and a narrower opening at the two ends.
A gentleman stands up when a lady enters a room.
女士进屋时, 绅士是该站起来的。
A million pounds, wait a moment.
百万英镑, 且慢。
A combined type multipurpose handsaw includes a saw blade, a bow and a handle.
Twenty years later in a day, a moment, a second, a sudden standstill.
在二十年后的某一天, 某一刻, 某一秒, 突然停滞。
Take a farthing from a thousand pounds, it will be a thousand pound no longer.
A cook stands by a brook.
We can still hear sounds while our heads aare under water.
当我们的头埋入水下时, 我们仍能听到声音。
Aare bends to the east, is sprinkled with boats carrying potatoes and sugar beets.
阿勒河折向东流, 河上点点都是运土豆甜菜的船只。
So you shall fill the hands of Aaron and his sons.
Chicago Bulls Ben Gordon, Aaron Gray , Lindsey Hunter.
芝加哥公牛队戈登, 阿隆格雷, 林奇亨特。
Aaron and his sons are to wash their hands and feet with water from it.
And Moses and Aaron and his sons used it to wash their hands and feet.
So all my friends couldnt always look forward to me playing against Aaron.
After their three plates were empty Aaron kept looking around for seconds.
三个盘子里的食物被一扫而空后, 亚伦环视四周片刻。
Take one of rams, and Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands on its head.
你要牵一只公绵羊来, 亚伦和他儿子要按手在这羊的头上。

单词 NDs 释义

  • 单词释义:neck dissections 颈解剖;颈淋巴清扫术;neurodevelopmental disorders 神经发育障碍;Northern Districts 北方行政区  [更多..]



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