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单词 demigods 例句大全,用单词demigods造句:

Here was an empire, worthy of demigods to attain.
Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods.
Obviously, the demigods of coincidence were just messing with me.
显然的,巧合之神 在和我开玩笑。
You know its pretensions. They give themselves the air of demigods.
你们也知道他们如何盛气凌人, 自比神明。
Demigods patrol the lifeless expanse above, and they don't care about you.
半神人们在无生命的苍天之上四处巡视, 他们并不在意你们。

单词 demigods 释义

  • 单词释义:半神半人,受崇拜的人,小神( demigod的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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