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单词 Hide 例句大全,用单词Hide造句:

To hide a fault with a lie is to replace a Blot by a hole.
用谎言掩盖错误, 等于挖一个洞除掉污渍。
To hide a fault with a lie is to replair conditioning unite a blot by a hole.
用假话掩盖错误, 等于挖一个洞除掉污渍。
To hide a fault with a lie is to replace a bolt by a hole.
You can never scare a dog away from a greasy hide.
He likes to hide behind his younger sister to take her aback.
Norman was arrested for abetting the crime because he helped the robbers hide in his house.
Aid, assist, support, encourage Norman was arrested for abetting the crime because he helped the robbers hide in his house.
If you no longer abhor me, please, please, hide me.
如果你不再讨厌我, 请让我在此躲避些时日, 拜托了。
The Panther Chameleon has an amazing ability to change color to hide itself.
Unhide it to be able to draw on it.
They organized speeches by abolitionist leaders. And they helped hide slaves who were fleeing to freedom.
I want you to tell me the absolute truth, don't hide anything, just tell me like it is!
我要你实实在在地告诉我, 不要隐瞒, 老老实实地讲。
I have absolutely nothing to hide, I have done nothing wrong.
an absolutely repulsive smell, which is good. Reminiscent of hydrogen sulphide.
意思就是绝对令人厌恶的味道 很好 让人想起硫化氢
The absorption of modify hide glue on formaldehyde gas was researched.
The facade is an abstract collection of Chinese characters with Swiss simplicity, which hides the steel structure.
At the academy show and tell too often becomes and hide.
在学院中, 谆谆? ? 常会变成躲躲迷藏。
NOTE Dont enter University, War Academy, Traders Guild and Bandits Hideout.
注意请不要进入大学, 战争学院, 贸易商协会和土匪隐藏。
He can't hide his height, nor his Russian accent.
Shortcut keys gives you access to Log View and Unhide Mode.
Then they are to wrap it and all its accessories in a covering of hides of sea cows and put it on a carrying frame.
Her face was hideously disfigured after the accident.
Both were susceptible, in the highest degree, of the sort of hideous progress which is accomplished in the direction of evil.
My true account, lest he returning chide,
全部财富, 以免遭他的责处,
juggle an account, for example, so as to hide a deficit.

单词 Hide 释义



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