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单词 holy 例句大全,用单词holy造句:

The Chinese and American Holy Classic Book Establishment
The angel is both symbol holy and pure and, filthy sign.
天使既是圣洁的象征, 又是污秽的标志。
The life of Jesus Christ was absolutely perfect and holy.
So according to the catholic church, We're not holy enough.
据天主教教堂的说法 我们不够圣洁。
This is the day to respond and feel the Holy Spirit of God.
The books of the Bible officially accepted as Holy Scripture.
In the vast Hai, the love is what a holy, how great words ah!
在浩瀚的辞海里, 爱情是一个多么神圣, 多么伟大的字眼啊!
C. Gods holy angels will gather all people for this judgment.
We visit a holy place, which accommodates the mummy of a monk.
我们参观了圣殿, 里面是一位僧侣的木乃伊。
The Christians once had abidance in the holy hill of Palestine.
Repentance skindeep. Pray at an altar. Hail Mary and Holy Mary.
她跪在祭坛前祷告, 念着万福玛利亚和至圣玛利亚。
The knights were amazed. They all wanted to see the Holy Grail.
I absolve you in the name of the father, son and the Holy ghost.
我以圣父, 圣子及圣灵之名赦你无罪。
Those rights were established by almighty God in the holy Koran.
The holy Roman empire is neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.
God's holy angels will throw the condemned unbelievers into hell.
Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures
Exalt ye the Lord our God, and adore his footstool, for it is holy.
弹着竖琴, 向上主赞颂, 弹着竖琴, 伴和着弦韵。
As God is the only holy person, so scripture is the only holy book.
如同上帝独一神圣的位格, 圣经亦是独一神圣的书籍。
Who shall abide in thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in thy holy hill?
All holy sites and access to them by all faiths should be respected.
Holy Basil normalizes stress hormones and enhances adrenal function.
I love orchids, love it that noble and simple, holy no time quality.
我爱兰花, 爱它那高尚朴实, 圣洁无暇的品质。
May Almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
愿全能的主保佑您, 以圣父, 圣子和圣灵的名义。
In no way can Israeli sovereignty over these holy places be accepted.

单词 holy 释义

  • 单词释义:神圣的;虔诚的;(表示惊讶等)天啊,上帝啊  [更多..]



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