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单词 hen 例句大全,用单词hen造句:

We, said the Wren, Both the cock and the hen, Well bear the pall.
我们, 鹪鹩说, 夫妇俩一起, 我们来拉上棺罩。
En hen, a wise tyrant always allow a fool to take the lead at crisis.
嗯, 哈, 一个英明的君主总是允许一个蠢货在危机时刻来统治。
On the contrary, the more contrast and cold and the more weak hen'egg.
反之, 寒寒不不不差比愈不不不弱刺激性愈不不不弱。
My wife gets as mad as a wet hen whenever anyone drops ashes on the rug.
What do you hear I hear a pig. Cluck cluck. What do you hear I hear a hen.
There was a bird that people liked on the East Coast called the heath hen.
However, Larry forgot the whole thing and the client was mad as a wet hen.
可是, 拉里完全忘了这件事, 把我们的客户都快气疯了。
Fertile hen's eggs provided the most suitable medium for growing the virus.
Repeating this 6 to 7 times continuously will imitate a mallard hen hail calling.
Tom's a blue hen's chick, and he's always in the favour of the managing director.
When he knew his wife was going to have a baby, he was like a hen with one chick.
当他知道他的太太快要生孩子了, 他急得像只热锅上的蚂蚁。
Good husband, under the base and also to the hen gathereth Lin, accumulate wealth ?
I use a pen with a camera, I Hen Buneng this gentle planet stuffed into my backpack.
hen the army factory moved some years ago, the factory buildings ere no longer used.
Wholl bear the pall We, said the Wren, Both the cock and the hen, Well bear the pall.
Most people look down on satyr, Hen Buneng without prior warning of the dire straits.
This hen has already got some eggs in her stomach, so it would be a pity to kill her.
Look at the way she's watering those seedlings!She fusses over them like a mother hen.
Under the new rules, each hen would have about four-hundred-sixty square centimeters of space.
Differential Analysis on Hydrology and Geology Conditions at Quaternary System of Hen He Coal Mine
Effect of Protease Digestion and Dephosphorylation on High Emulsifying Properties of Hen Egg Yolk Phosvitin
W hen the Earth moves from perihelion to aphelion, its radiation belts are expansion, and aphelion to perihelion contraction.
The menu changes every three months, but favorites include melt-in-your-mouth crab cakes and thyme-roasted hen with foie gras.
Viewers will get one in this high, wild and hen-some stop-motion adventure The inmates have tried a dozen ways of escaping from the prison camp.
Mrs. Tweedy, the vicious camp commandant, and her slow-witted, henpecked husband have shown her prisoners what happens to a hen who hasn't laid eggs: it becomes a chicken with its head cut off.

单词 hen 释义



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