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单词 hempen 例句大全,用单词hempen造句:

thatched windows, weed foofs, hempen cot
蓬牖茅缘, 绳床瓦灶
Care for diverseness poppy , .Hempen difficult guilty
喜欢种种罂粟花, 大麻难道有错吗
The net destined to support the car was made of very solid hempen cord.
Butcher is very angry, an one root ground unplugs the wool of hempen sparrow.
屠夫非常生气, 便一根一根地拔大麻雀的毛。
On the Shy Maid, he made his bed atop the roof of the cabin, with a coil of hempen rope for a pillow.
在害羞小姐号上, 他在船舱顶上铺床, 用一卷麻绳做了个枕头。

单词 hempen 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.大麻制的,大麻的  [更多..]



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