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单词 hateful 例句大全,用单词hateful造句:

A state of disgrace resulting from hateful or detestable conduct.
Hateful hateful english pollen, it ? brought hay fever out of me.
讨厌得英格兰花粉, 它引发了我得花粉热。
This is the result of poisonous hateful genealogy in their biology.
The night was turning jangled and hateful to him as the twilight faded.
The idea of fighting against men of their own race was hateful to them.
I'm fascinated by war and violence, but I would not sing a hateful song.
They are a hateful, bloodthirsty, and poorlyconceived lot of vile fiends!
他们是一群可恶, 嗜血而愚蠢的魔鬼。
The hateful human being despoils of my water what I can not live without.
I only could fall silent, keep the sad and hateful entanglement on paper.
You can't pray and still have hateful or bitter feelings about the person.
On an artistic level, the film is nothing but provocative, hateful, propaganda.
在艺术层面上, 这部电影只不过是挑衅, 憎恨, 洗脑。
How is that poor little two letter word nourish the conviction that we are hateful?
Sin is a loathsome and hateful thing, and no renewed heart can patiently endure it.
罪是肮脏污秽的事, 一个重生得救的人是无法忍受它。
Today terrorists are using new and sophisticated means to commit their hateful acts.
Peter spat out hateful words at the boy, execrating him in front of all his schoolmates.
彼得对那个男孩口出恶言, 在所有同学面前咒骂他。
He had eradicated abnormal instincts and thus delivered not a few from a hateful bondage.
Then you attract dreams where others are hateful towards yourself into the dance of life.
But I think this is definitely not a place to stay, because some people do a little hateful.
但我认为这肯定不是我待的地方, 因为一些人着实有点可恶。
So many people are suffering because of the cheap, suffering person must have its hateful's out!
所以说好多人的痛苦是因为贱, 痛苦之人必有其可恨之出!
She cried out that marriage was hateful to her, and for that she was severely beaten by her father.
她哭喊她厌恶婚姻, 结果被父亲狠打一顿。
We dont want to be associated with something as symbolic and hateful as a swastika, a spokesman said.
Toupai the most disgusting incident, the most hateful clandestine phototaking, those poor innocent people!
最讨厌偷拍事件, 最憎恨偷拍行为, 可怜那些无辜的人们!
But in the end, brave William, more than a match for ten thousand men, was betrayed by a hateful fellow.
Believe in ugg boots moment that the superior leaves in the emperor, the Ji Yu a. m. right hand already hateful kick apt fall!
就在帝宗高手离去的瞬间, 姬宇晨右手已经狠狠砸落!
Penguin repeatedly attacked the angels kind nature prompted it can only be evasive. Everywhere mouse operation, to escape hateful harassment!

单词 hateful 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.可恨的,讨厌的,可恶的  [更多..]



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