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单词 hectic 例句大全,用单词hectic造句:

Soon, however, Mark realized that this arrangement wasnt workingit was hectic, and costly.
Coffee Shop KindnessMy senior year of high school was an extremely hectic one, to say the least.
我的高中高年级是一个十分忙碌的, 最少可以说。
When you want to escape from all the hectic in your life for a moment, what is it that you like to do.
In the endless bamboo forest, you can take a long walk, feeling like a fairy away from the hectic world.
在一望无际的竹林中穿行, 犹如远离尘世的仙人。
Your home environment may be hectic, which could result in emotional upset if you arent well organized.
Taking a shower after a hard day at the office or a hectic shopping trip will cleanse and refresh you and your aura.

单词 hectic 释义

  • 单词释义:繁忙的,忙乱的;兴奋的,狂热的;(因患肺病等)发烧的;患热病的  [更多..]



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