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单词 hectic 例句大全,用单词hectic造句:

Its a bit hectic. Im in the middle of cooking for nine people.
They are busy preparing for a hectic day's activity on Saturday.
it seems to ease all the aches and pains of a hectic and tiring day.
It's all quite hectic and complicated in a very short space of time.
在一段非常短的时间里头, 这是相当刺激又复杂的。
Hectic Children seem to enjoy more the hectic days before Christmas.
I expect that the week before the presentation will be fairly hectic.
Angelic music that can make you stop in the middle of a hectic, worldy
No doubt life is hectic, and there will always be stressful situations.
毫无疑问, 生活是很忙乱的, 而且总存在压力。
Despite his hectic work schedule, Benny has rarely suffered poor health.
In the scientists eys, burning is a illuminant hectic chemistry reaction.
在科学家看来, 燃烧意味着发光, 发热的化学反应。
In fact, a day in the life of a businessman may be very busy, even hectic.
The response he evoked was a little more hectic and a little less profound.
My senior year of high school was an extremely hectic one, to say the least.
我的高中高年级是一个非常繁忙的, 至少可以说。
There is nothing really wrong about having a hectic but fulfilling work life.
日子忙碌而充实, 本来也没什么不好。
Yet the response he evoked was a little more hectic and a little less profound.
然而, 他所激起的反应狂热有余而深挚不足。
Trip leader Sandra KasaloFazlic says it has been a hectic but worthwhile adventure.
The receptionist apologized for the delay, explaining that it had been a hectic day.
The problem is staying calm in the midst of such a hectic environment won't be easy.
I was going to call and cancel after our talk, but things just got so hectic. I forgot.
It goes without saying that punctuality is utmost importance in our hectic daily lives.
When we were young, the Spring Festival was a lot more hectic than what it is like now.
And also someone who's willing to work evenings once in a while, when things get hectic.
Well, just remember how hectic your freshman year was. Give him a chance to get settled.
So we make our lives so hectic that we eliminate the slightest risk of looking into ourselves.
于是我们忙碌度日, 以免冒险去探索自我
Compared to the quiet of the children's ward, the outpatient department was crowded and hectic.

单词 hectic 释义

  • 单词释义:繁忙的,忙乱的;兴奋的,狂热的;(因患肺病等)发烧的;患热病的  [更多..]



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