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单词 for 例句大全,用单词for造句:

Treatment for Abnormal Wearout of Supporting Wheel for Rotary Table Charging Car of Bucket Wheel Stacker and Reclaimer
The invention discloses a sealing packing for a steam chamber of a tire vulcanizer and a method for producing the same.
Drapes for the spine are applied in a manner similar to that for abdominal operations and require no special description.
脊柱的铺单技术与腹部手术相似, 因此无需特殊描述。
And, to achieve the kind of choices we want for leaders we need to allow for the potential for partnerships between nations.
要做到给领导者自由 我们需要允许国家间的合作
The Principal Assistant Secretary for Transport the Deputy Commissioner for Transport the Assistant Commissioner for Transport
Thanks for helping me get adjusted at work and also for showing me the ropes. I can’t express how grateful I am for your help.
stomach is channal for absorbing nutrition for life. thus it is part of life. sometimes, it is necessary to recede life for working!
Complete Part 7. 2 For the deduction of interest in respect of a loan obtained for the acquisition of a property for letting purpose.
为购买出租物业而支付的利息, 应填写在第7。2部。
Audits for the issuance of the statutory certificates for passenger ships are undertaken by the marine department for passenger ships.
Choose good neighbors for living. Choose good companions for travel. Choose good books for knowledge. Choose good friends for practice.
居家要选好邻, 旅行要选良伴, 求知要选善书, 励行要选善友。
And five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the tabernacle for the sides westward.
integrated logistic support system for the three armed services, for both military and civilian purposes and for both peacetime and wartime
And on the eighth day they had a holy meeting; the offerings for making the altar holy went on for seven days, and the feast for seven days.
The immediate reaction is for us to fall into our human tendency and instead of being anxious for nothing, we become anxious for everything!
I sniggered at father for being so impractical, for it was utterly useless to entrust me to those attendants, who cared for nothing but money.
People say it's exactly what they were looking for, ' says Ramirez, who got the idea for Bride Again while preparing for her own second wedding.
On the eighth day they held an assembly, for they had celebrated the dedication of the altar for seven days and the festival for seven days more.
第八日设立严肃会, 行奉献坛得礼七日, 守节七日。
Year Total Pension for disable and bereaved families Pension for retires Relief funds and social welfare Relief funds for nature disasters Others
Article33 Detention for extradition, arrest for extradition and residential surveillance for extradition shall be executed by the public security organs.
第三十三条引渡拘留, 渡逮捕, 渡监视居住由公安机关执行。
Aaron shall bring the bull for his own sin offering to make atonement for himself and his household, and he is to slaughter the bull for his own sin offering.
Spake is in demand for charity functions, has written a book to go with the series, and is now on leave from Aeroflot, working for the BBC on ideas for new shows.
since then he has become widely known for his work in Squadron and Osprey publications and for Dragon Models, and has also worked as a courtroom artist for TV news.
Her spirits were raised when she heard that she had been selected for interview for the job of assistant managbeen selected for interview for the job of assistant manager.
Sometimes dignity is not easy to achieve. It can be abandoned for some benefits or be an undeserved reputation. In general, common people are enthusiastic about angling for fame and honor.
Access to this account has been temporarily disabled for exploitation of the World of Warcraft economy or for being associated to accounts which have been closed for intended exploitation.

单词 for 释义

  • 单词释义:为,为了;关于;当作  [更多..]



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