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单词 footprint 例句大全,用单词footprint造句:

Beyond theHimalayas, both countries are enlarging their ecological footprint in Asia.
Recently we were given the assignment to reduce the memory footprint of a fat client.
最近, 我们奉命降低一个胖客户机的内存占用。
We stared together at the ground as if to trace the footprint buried under the cement.
Pizer added that there were also plans to extend the use of carbon footprint labelling.
皮泽说, 此外, 还计划扩大使用碳足迹标签。
Figure1 shows the carbon footprint of international shipping, broken down by ship type.
From the outset, the goal was to accommodate the clients needs within a small footprint.
从一开始, 目标是满足小体积内客户的需求。
Both total ecological capacity and total ecological footprint showed an increasing trend.
An example of that function would be calculating the carbon footprint of an airplane trip.
This leads to applications occupying a larger memory footprint than they strictly require.
This may results in code bloating, increasing both the load time and the memory footprint.
It has a little bit of a carbon footprint because we do have to get out and catch the fish.
唯一的一些碳排放 是我们出海捕鱼所造成的。
Estimation of Stature and Avoirdupois by Footprint and Fingerprint with Regression Equations
The only way you can protect yourself is by making sure your currency footprint is balanced.
The ecological impact analysis of tableware in college canteen based on ecological footprint
The system has a compact footprint that enables it to fit easily on standard laboratory bench tops.
Study of gait footprint parameters of children and its value in diagnosis and treatment of cerebral palsy
A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide pollution that we produce as a result of our activities.
A carbon footprint, is the amount of carbon dioxide pollution that we produce as a result of our activities.
Value of the footprint analysis with four equal proportions of foot sole in the evaluation of cerebral palsy
and really cheap to build, but it also reduces the footprint of your energy use in terms of your transportation.
做起来也很便宜,就运输而言也减少了 能量的消耗。
Ecological footprint approach is an effective means for quantitatively measuring sustainable development degree.
The footprint of the runtime component is reduced in terms of installationtime disk space and startup memory size.
Calculation and analysis of ecological footprint and ecological environment coordination degree of Poyang Lake area
And Tzu Chi collegiate youth in Taichung, Taiwan have been promoting carbon footprint reduction around college compuses.
台湾台中慈青在各大学, 提倡降低碳足迹。
Sustainable Development Capability in the Huangshui River Basin in Qinghai Province Based on Analyzing the Ecological Footprint

单词 footprint 释义

  • 单词释义:(尤指软地上的)脚印;(地板上的)脚印;<商>(建筑物或设备,尤指计算机)占用的空间;<术>(尤指来自卫星的)广播信号覆盖区  [更多..]



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