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单词 finish 例句大全,用单词finish造句:

After asked you finish work today has spatially accompanies me to eat the food?
Later on huan will finish, they will also shout three call five to accompany to.
已而浣毕, 她们又吆三唤五地结伴而归。
Boring operations are performed to enlarge, finish, and accurately locate holes.
Working the metal cold is done with the aim of obtaining a more accurate finish.
The adjustment, clamping and machining method in finish machining are summarized.
Paint finish, to be better quality finish in blue colour, preferably matt finish.
Finish dig abdomen produces a year many, blade is heal now, but why can you ache ?
Finish how many hours of ability feels ache no longer after tonsil cut operation ?
Study was made of preparation of gloss finish reagent for acrylate resin emulsion.
marie well, i m going to finish feeding abby. i ll let you know when dinner s ready.
A study of adjusting residual stresses in machined surface by reversal finish cutting
Please attach the activity circular in order finish the underwriting procedure shortly.
为加快核保过程, 请附上活动通告。
A dish of poached tiny Chinese cabbage in broth to finish our meal was quite addictive.
I finish the brightness and contrast adjusted basis, why it was very dark photos to red?
Finish such great exploit, another acting person comes need generation bear the weight of.
Finally, we finish the local deformation to increase the accuracy of registration results. 5.
Accomplish abide by contract keep good faith, ensure finish manufacturing jobschedule on time.
完成重协议守信义, 保证按期按时结束岀产项目。
The anti ultraviolet finishing of real silk fabrics is effected by finish absorbing techniques.
In the absence of specifications, material shall be mill option lumber or veneers suitable for opaque finish.
在缺乏规范下, 由工厂选择适用不透明涂饰的木材和木皮。
Do not forget to finish the mask moisturizing cream may be overtime pay and spray adjuvant Moisturizing Cream!
Cockle finish paper Puckered finish to a sheet of paper, created through a creping machine. Also called Creped paper.
The French seam is a suitable finish for sheer fabrics when any other finish would be visible on the right side of the garment.
In order to finish all the lessons before the exam, the experimental class are going to take three additional classes every week.
Filature of heater of silk raw silk catchs a filature that bask in silk to knit silk to abstain rayon of silk of degree of finish.
She hasn’t been acting like herself lately and now all of a sudden she told me she wants some space and that she needs time to figure things out. I guess nice guys really do finish last.

单词 finish 释义

  • 单词释义:结束,完成;吃完;获得名次;使筋疲力尽  [更多..]



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