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单词 fink 例句大全,用单词fink造句:

He is a fink.
Don't be a rat fink, Jack.
不要可恶地打小报告, 杰克。
He is a fink. He has copped out.
他是个工贼, 他妥协了。
There are many ways to install or upgrade Fink.
That fink told the professor that I cheated on the exam.
Fink, by contrast, has been far more embracing of Charless ideas.
与克兰相比, 芬克对查理斯的理念认同多些。
Mr. Fink had another role in crisis, without the government's help.
芬克在危机中还有另外一个角色, 这个角色没有政府的帮助。
Stinky I didnt fink on you, Ben, they found coleslaw in my underwear.
臭蛋我没惹你, 本, 生菜沙拉是你们扔的。
Conductor John Eliot Gardiner Performer Bernarda Fink, Elinor Carter, et al.
If you fink the agreement satisfactory, we can sign it in the same afternoon.
If you fink the agreement satisfactory,we can sign it in the same afternoon.
Mr Fink was one of the few directors who remained on speaking terms with everyone.
If I find the rat fink who informed on me, he wont live long enough to do it again.
要给我找出哪个卑鄙小人出卖我, 他就活不长了。
If I find the rat fink who informed on me , he wont live long enough to do it again.
要是给我找出那个卑鄙小人出卖我, 他就活不长了。
The system is dialing back risk substantially, bringing down leverage, Mr. Fink said.
But to University of CaliforniaLos Angeles musicologist Robert Fink, the plan makes Hartfords crimefighting efforts look desperate.

单词 fink 释义

  • 单词释义:破坏及反罢工的人;告发人;密告人;乞丐  [更多..]



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