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单词 finesse 例句大全,用单词finesse造句:

These later books trace her growing finesse and poetic subtlety.
To accomplish by the use of finesse. She has a pair of clever hands.
The adroit prosecutor arranged his questions with admirable finesse.
Knowing how to turn down invitations with finesse and not feel guilty.
More than one fell to Drogba, a tree of a man finesse of a lumberjack.
A thoroughbred champion In combInation of maturity, delicacy and fInesse
集成熟, 精致和技巧于一体的优秀冠军
The wine has great finesse a particular softness imparted by the Merlot.
If their spades break 41, I still have the diamond finesse to fall back on.
如果他们的黑桃是41分配, 我还可以依靠方块牌。
If their spades break4 1, I still have the diamond finesse to fall back on.
如果他们的黑桃是41分配, 我还可以依靠方块飞牌。
But something has changed of late. Beijings diplomacy has lost its finesse.
Smoothness, elegance and finesse of tannic structure characterize our wines.
葡萄酒的特色是圆滑, 高雅和丹宁结构细腻。
This was a show that succeeded with volume and scale, not finesse or detail.
The pilots demonstrated their finesse by doing barrel rolls above the crowds.
Playing bridge, we make some probability estimate before attempting a finesse.
The wine also shows the elegance and finesse which underpins the Glaetzer style.
Unfortunately, nowhere along the way had he acquired finesse or polished manners.
Of course, it's that same finesse that makes him an unusual fit at power forward.
His position demands a great deal of finesse, salesmanship and negotiation skills.
他的立场, 需要很大的技巧, 推销和谈判技巧。
Plum marmalade, vanilla and blackcurrant highlight the finesse of the soft tannins.
slowly, very, very gently, you can very easily finesse that rock into a safe orbit.
你可以轻易地 把那颗小行星移入一个安全轨道
and third, because he can finesse the timing, depending on the health of the economy.
第三, 他在根据经济健康性巧妙了把握了时机。
The mineral character of the Sauvignon is supported by the round finesse of Chardonnay.
We were able to get to where we did by finesse and speed and the abilities that we had.
These nouns denote the ability to deal with others with skill, sensitivity, and finesse.
这些名词都指巧妙地, 感地和有策略地与他人打交道的能力。
With a rich body, subtle texture and fine, ripe tannins, this is a wine of great finesse
此酒酒体醇厚, 结构精致而美好, 单宁成熟, 堪称佳酿。

单词 finesse 释义

  • 单词释义:手腕,手段;技巧,策略;纤细;偷牌  [更多..]



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