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单词 dyke 例句大全,用单词dyke造句:

The river chafes against the rocky shore He crawl on his belly under the lee of a stone dyke
Failure of double layer dyke foundation by seepage first begins from tenacious clay covering.
Soft mattress technical measures were employed to prevent dyke from slope slide and collapse.
对堤防滑坡坍塌, 采用了软体沉排技术措施。
The closure construction for offshore dyke engineering is different from the closure for river.
沿海堤坝工程的合龙, 不同于江河截流。
This paper summaries the function and benefits of Yellow River dyke strengthening by desilting.
The river dyke sprang a leak, and the construction brigade was immediately sent to deal with it.
Cats Eye Stone mainly produced in the gas into the hydrothermal deposits and pegmatites in Dyke.
Tapiolite from the Koktokay No.3 Rare Metal Granitic Pegmatite Dyke, Altai, Xinjiang Autonomous Region
An older, more detailed view of the Great Dyke can be found in an astronaut photograph available here.
一个旧的, 更详细的大堤视图可以在宇航员的照片中被发现。
It can play an effective role in monitoring, predicting and safe evaluating for behaviors of the dyke.
When a prestressed mud dyke is adopted, it could be analyzed with the shear stiffness allotting method.
当采用加固土预留土堤时, 可采用抗侧刚度分配法分析。
The Hydraulic Experimental Study of Flood Diversion during Burst of the Great Dyke in a Warping Project
In this article, countermeasures of flood and wave prevention in Lianhua Dyke of Chaohu are elaborated.
The corruption implied by the illegal building did not extend to oiling the wheels to get the dyke fixed.
An Ecological Pattern of Sea Dyke Maintenance by Mangroves and Assessment of Its Benefits along Guangxi Coast
One day at sunset, violet and purple rays illuminated the emerald trailers of the weeping willows on the dyke.
The breaching of the dyke immediately endangered 145, 000 residents downstream, as well as 8, 193 hectares of arable land.
It is not alarmism to refer to the old saying"that a little fish worm can damage a dyke". Neglect of details may lead to catastrophe.
Inspection report of the experience of construction and management on Shaoxing Urban Flood Control Project, Huanghe Grand Dyke and Jingjiang Grand Dyke

单词 dyke 释义

  • 单词释义:堤坝;女子同性恋者  [更多..]



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